Dear Friends,
I am planning to write my next blog entitled: Deprivation: Fate or Choice. Before I start writing it, I would like to solicit your personal thoughts/feelings about the topic. If you think you like to share something about it, please feel free to write it at the bottom of this message as your comment. If not, you don't need to write anything at all and I would fully respect your decision about it.
In case you decide to share, all I need from you is to state three (3) things which you think/feel you were deprived of and write your reason in one or two sentences. I will only include the first 15 followers who will share their comments.
For example:
1. Money - I was raised from a poor family.
2. Education - My parents forced us to work at a very young age.
3. Branded items - My salary is very small to buy a branded item like shoes/clothes.
Thank you in anticipation of your generous response as we continue to share and learn from each other. I have just thought of this approach in writing my next blog and I hope this is something where all of us can learn from and understand more ourselves and others.
God bless everyone.
holy weak
Everything that is written here runs the gamut from the most trivial to perhaps the most profound that the mind, heart and soul of this current blogger can conceive at a given time. Be not deceived nor misguided by the Blog Title as the content is as optimistic as it is pessimistic. The author being a realist, the content would present his subjective reality that more often is a constant 'tug of war' between the joys and pains of living in general as it continues in its beautiful life journey.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
On Manic-Depression
Last month, while I was on Facebook, I got a message from the very first person who invited me to FB, and who eventually became my very first contact in this colossal social networking site that is Facebook. In the course of our conversation, I gathered that he was at that time in the US for some kind of training. So, he was not there for good and he intimated his desire to go back to Dubai. It seemed to me that he was not really happy being there and perhaps, he had to be there as he had to do something important in his career plan. When I asked him how he has been, his reply quite knocked me off. He said that he is still the same sick guy I tried to cure before. In effect, he was saying that I failed to help him. But before I could ask if he continues taking medication and explain to him his predicament, he got offline.
Anyway, this man in his late 20’s was referred to me for counseling and eventual therapy. The presenting problem was that he would stay in his room for days and abstain from the usual routine of normal life as a student and part time worker for the same period and then followed this by short periods of hyperactivity, i.e., staying out of the house doing anything and everything he wanted to do, even without sleep. He had suicidal ideations as well when too depressed. I diagnosed him to be suffering from severe manic-depressive or bi-polar personality disorder. Due to the severity of his case and the fact that his mood swings, in particular his depression, is more physiologically triggered (caused by the chemical imbalance in his brain), I advised him to seek a psychiatrist’s assistance for medication. He needed medication to be able to bring normalcy to his daily functioning. At the same time, we proceeded with the therapeutic relationship. We collaborated on a self-management plan for him that included proper diet and regular exercise. We also had to work together on helping him do proper time management and manage his daily chores with efficiency. I made him come up with his personal mission statement as part of the requirements in the time management coaching I did for him. Having the sense of control in his life would be of help. In short, I empowered him to be able to manage his predicament. I noticed significant progress after the 3rd session and based on my positive prognosis, I terminated the helping relationship after the 8th session.
As it is of immense help in therapy and counseling that the client understands the nature of his/her condition, I remember educating him about the nature of his disorder, telling him that there is no permanent cure for his affective disorder and that he has to continue putting the same amount of efforts to all those mutually-agreed upon tasks in order for him to be able to function as a normal person.
As demonstrated in previous researches, Bipolar Disorder is a chronic recurrent illness and in over 90% of those afflicted, it requires lifelong observation and treatment after diagnosis. It was also shown by research that patients with untreated or inadequately treated bipolar disorder have a suicide rate of 15-25% and a nine-year decrease in life expectancy. With proper treatment, the life expectancy of the bipolar patient will increase by nearly seven years and work productivity increases by ten years.
With this in mind, I could not more than stress that it is very important that he takes active part in the treatment program that we agreed upon. Hence, it came as a surprise to me that he seemed to be expecting me to ‘cure him’. Hence, as an afterthought, I surmised that may be, partly the reason why he was not as successful in managing his case is that he did not take full responsibility for his own concern.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
“The 5th Commandment: Honor your father and your mother.”
Today, March 24, 2011 is the 1st year death anniversary of my Amang (father). Days are very fast and I can’t imagine that it’s been a year now since my Amang passed away.
As I shared in my previous blog, my Amang died because of emphyzema, a lung disease due to excessive smoking. Added to that, my Amang was also an alcoholic. But according to my Inang (mother), he was not smoking nor drinking alcohol until he was influenced by his friends.
During my younger years, I had a lot of issues with my Amang. He is one father that many wouldn’t want to have. I remember the time when he embarrassed me in front of his friends. He was saying hurting words to me and I was just crying and gasping for breath as a child. I was 10 years old then when that incident happened. Also, I vividly recall the many times he physically hurt me for no good reason at all. He was sleeping one time and I accidentally hit his leg. He got mad and just hit me on the head. I felt very dizzy and I thought I will collapse at that time. He even broke a wooden hanger on my body and threw me off into a wooden cabinet like a stray cat. I even witnessed my Amang slapping the face of my Inang and cursing her without any respect at all. When I graduated from my masteral degree, I invited him to attend the commencement exercise. He replied by saying, “You are not graduating with honors so why do I have to attend!” Still, he attended my graduation. I may have recalled these unpleasant moments I had with my Amang but these were all in the past now.
I also have good memories of my Amang. He taught me the Kundiman song (Filipino old song) which I rendered in a singing competition where he watched me perform. During family gathering and reunion, he would try to entertain us by his out of this world dance move. When I was already working, he would carry me at his back like a young kid because the way going to our house was flooded with water and he would not mind carrying my weight. Likewise, he would clean up the flood water from our house and would not complain even if he gets tired from repeatedly doing the same thing. I also remember the time that I needed money, he borrowed from a friend and pledged as payment the retirement benefit he would receive from the factory where he worked as a janitor. Most especially, I will never ever forget the time he would sip out the colds from my nose and he would spit it out from his mouth without any disgust at all.
When Amang started to feel weak, he stopped smoking and drinking. He has changed a lot especially the way he treated us. I was given a chance to take care of my Amang during his moment of pain and suffering. I promised myself that I will give the best for my Amang and Inang while they are still alive. I had a chance to bring him to Boracay, a holiday destination in the Philippines. It was his very first time to ride in an airplane at the age of 75. I felt very happy being with my Amang but his body at that time was not that strong anymore for him to enjoy our trip.
During the time that I was taking care of him, I was able to express to him my issues. He can’t remember it anymore. He even said that he was just disciplining me and the rest of my siblings. While I was opening my heart to my Amang, I don’t feel any pain but I felt sad because we could have had more happy time together than sad and painful moments.
On his last day, he was brought in to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). I was just at the window staring at my Amang because I cannot bear the sight of losing him. I have loved and still love my Amang so much despite and inspite of his human frailties. I will never ever forget the time he brought me to a perya (carnival) while he put the tickets around his neck and said, “My son please forgive me if Amang can only give you as much.” Up to this time, that moment was still very vivid in my mind. Thus, I fully understood and eventually accepted my Amang as my father.
Now that he is gone, I miss him very much and I am longing to be with him again someday. My Amang may not have been an ideal father but I know that he is the father that God has given me. I believe that he was given to me by God for a good reason. God wanted me to become a better son, sibling, and a loving person to people around me.
The 5th Commandment: Honor your father and your mother, period. Regardless of the kind of father and mother that we have, we still have to accept and love them unconditionally because they are the parents that God has given us.
As I shared in my previous blog, my Amang died because of emphyzema, a lung disease due to excessive smoking. Added to that, my Amang was also an alcoholic. But according to my Inang (mother), he was not smoking nor drinking alcohol until he was influenced by his friends.
During my younger years, I had a lot of issues with my Amang. He is one father that many wouldn’t want to have. I remember the time when he embarrassed me in front of his friends. He was saying hurting words to me and I was just crying and gasping for breath as a child. I was 10 years old then when that incident happened. Also, I vividly recall the many times he physically hurt me for no good reason at all. He was sleeping one time and I accidentally hit his leg. He got mad and just hit me on the head. I felt very dizzy and I thought I will collapse at that time. He even broke a wooden hanger on my body and threw me off into a wooden cabinet like a stray cat. I even witnessed my Amang slapping the face of my Inang and cursing her without any respect at all. When I graduated from my masteral degree, I invited him to attend the commencement exercise. He replied by saying, “You are not graduating with honors so why do I have to attend!” Still, he attended my graduation. I may have recalled these unpleasant moments I had with my Amang but these were all in the past now.
I also have good memories of my Amang. He taught me the Kundiman song (Filipino old song) which I rendered in a singing competition where he watched me perform. During family gathering and reunion, he would try to entertain us by his out of this world dance move. When I was already working, he would carry me at his back like a young kid because the way going to our house was flooded with water and he would not mind carrying my weight. Likewise, he would clean up the flood water from our house and would not complain even if he gets tired from repeatedly doing the same thing. I also remember the time that I needed money, he borrowed from a friend and pledged as payment the retirement benefit he would receive from the factory where he worked as a janitor. Most especially, I will never ever forget the time he would sip out the colds from my nose and he would spit it out from his mouth without any disgust at all.
When Amang started to feel weak, he stopped smoking and drinking. He has changed a lot especially the way he treated us. I was given a chance to take care of my Amang during his moment of pain and suffering. I promised myself that I will give the best for my Amang and Inang while they are still alive. I had a chance to bring him to Boracay, a holiday destination in the Philippines. It was his very first time to ride in an airplane at the age of 75. I felt very happy being with my Amang but his body at that time was not that strong anymore for him to enjoy our trip.
During the time that I was taking care of him, I was able to express to him my issues. He can’t remember it anymore. He even said that he was just disciplining me and the rest of my siblings. While I was opening my heart to my Amang, I don’t feel any pain but I felt sad because we could have had more happy time together than sad and painful moments.
On his last day, he was brought in to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). I was just at the window staring at my Amang because I cannot bear the sight of losing him. I have loved and still love my Amang so much despite and inspite of his human frailties. I will never ever forget the time he brought me to a perya (carnival) while he put the tickets around his neck and said, “My son please forgive me if Amang can only give you as much.” Up to this time, that moment was still very vivid in my mind. Thus, I fully understood and eventually accepted my Amang as my father.
Now that he is gone, I miss him very much and I am longing to be with him again someday. My Amang may not have been an ideal father but I know that he is the father that God has given me. I believe that he was given to me by God for a good reason. God wanted me to become a better son, sibling, and a loving person to people around me.
The 5th Commandment: Honor your father and your mother, period. Regardless of the kind of father and mother that we have, we still have to accept and love them unconditionally because they are the parents that God has given us.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
"Drowning Dubai"
After 70 very fast days of exploring and clinging on the possibility of getting a good and decent job in Dubai, I ended up exiting to Indonesia to avoid the overstay penalty of AED200 for the first day and AED100 for the succeeding days. Since I overstayed for a day, I paid the amount of Dhs200.
I was full of hope and positivity that I would be able to get a job within a month. I started to apply for a job by visiting all the websites recommended by my friends. Also, I paid a certain amount of money to a job search service provider that promised to send my curriculum vitae to different companies, but to no avail. I was not able to land a job within a month. Thus, I was forced to extend my tourist visa through the kind help of my friend.
On the extension of my visa, the same bleak scenario still hovered. Just the same, I sent my applications to different schools and companies. Since I have experience working for companies as an HR specialist and in schools as a Guidance Counselor and Teacher, I was quite confident that I would be able to get a job the soonest possible time before the expiration of my visa extension.
Despite my situation, I was given a chance to conduct the very first seminar I have facilitated outside of the Philippines. Also, I was hired for two weeks as a “Counselor” in an educational firm. I did a part-time job as an English teacher to Koreans and I was invited to join a networking company that promotes health and beauty products. Honestly, it was quite satisfying but it was not the real job I was hoping and praying for. Nonetheless, I was very thankful to God because while job hunting, I was earning a little but still the real work opportunity seemed to be quite aloof.
As days passed by, I asked people to pray for me as I really needed to get a job because my days were numbered and I was really looking forward to start anew in Dubai. Finally, I received a call from a school where I applied as Special Education Teacher but they only offered me the Assistant Teacher post. Unfortunately, it was my last day in Dubai because I needed to exit that time, or else face the consequences of having to pay the daily overstay penalty of AED100. Thus, I couldn't stay anymore and start on the date the school wanted me to commence with my work.
It was not really good news after all because the school wanted me to come back using my own visa. They wanted me to apply for a 90-day visa so I can work for their school using my personal visa which is actually illegal. They said they will only issue my employment visa at the end of 90 days, if I pass their probationary period. Added to that, I was offered a salary which is lower compared to my last salary in the Philippines.
Wow! I don’t want to complain nor feel very bad about it because I know that I have a lot of things to be thankful for despite all these. However, I felt that it was quite demeaning on my part if I have to accept their offer. I know that I am just one of the thousands of Filipinos exploring a job in Dubai hoping that it will give us a better opportunity. Apparently, my expectations were not met.
I know that my experience was very minute compared to the many grueling stories of Filipinos and non-Filipinos as well who hoped and prayed that this place would provide them greener pasture. As I left Dubai, I felt quite sad because I was not able to achieve my purpose for coming but I am as always grateful especially to have gained new friends whom I will treasure forever.
Now that I am here in Indonesia, I am carrying with me all the positive traits and attitudes that serve as my strength as I continue to linger on God’s great plan for me. I hope and pray that this time it will not be a "drowning" moment for me.
I was full of hope and positivity that I would be able to get a job within a month. I started to apply for a job by visiting all the websites recommended by my friends. Also, I paid a certain amount of money to a job search service provider that promised to send my curriculum vitae to different companies, but to no avail. I was not able to land a job within a month. Thus, I was forced to extend my tourist visa through the kind help of my friend.
On the extension of my visa, the same bleak scenario still hovered. Just the same, I sent my applications to different schools and companies. Since I have experience working for companies as an HR specialist and in schools as a Guidance Counselor and Teacher, I was quite confident that I would be able to get a job the soonest possible time before the expiration of my visa extension.
Despite my situation, I was given a chance to conduct the very first seminar I have facilitated outside of the Philippines. Also, I was hired for two weeks as a “Counselor” in an educational firm. I did a part-time job as an English teacher to Koreans and I was invited to join a networking company that promotes health and beauty products. Honestly, it was quite satisfying but it was not the real job I was hoping and praying for. Nonetheless, I was very thankful to God because while job hunting, I was earning a little but still the real work opportunity seemed to be quite aloof.
As days passed by, I asked people to pray for me as I really needed to get a job because my days were numbered and I was really looking forward to start anew in Dubai. Finally, I received a call from a school where I applied as Special Education Teacher but they only offered me the Assistant Teacher post. Unfortunately, it was my last day in Dubai because I needed to exit that time, or else face the consequences of having to pay the daily overstay penalty of AED100. Thus, I couldn't stay anymore and start on the date the school wanted me to commence with my work.
It was not really good news after all because the school wanted me to come back using my own visa. They wanted me to apply for a 90-day visa so I can work for their school using my personal visa which is actually illegal. They said they will only issue my employment visa at the end of 90 days, if I pass their probationary period. Added to that, I was offered a salary which is lower compared to my last salary in the Philippines.
Wow! I don’t want to complain nor feel very bad about it because I know that I have a lot of things to be thankful for despite all these. However, I felt that it was quite demeaning on my part if I have to accept their offer. I know that I am just one of the thousands of Filipinos exploring a job in Dubai hoping that it will give us a better opportunity. Apparently, my expectations were not met.
I know that my experience was very minute compared to the many grueling stories of Filipinos and non-Filipinos as well who hoped and prayed that this place would provide them greener pasture. As I left Dubai, I felt quite sad because I was not able to achieve my purpose for coming but I am as always grateful especially to have gained new friends whom I will treasure forever.
Now that I am here in Indonesia, I am carrying with me all the positive traits and attitudes that serve as my strength as I continue to linger on God’s great plan for me. I hope and pray that this time it will not be a "drowning" moment for me.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Indian and Pakistani: The Cool Dudes
I am not very good in history. In fact, I felt bored during my history class. Needless to say, I will not be sharing about the history of India or Pakistan nor make squabbles between these two countries but I would like to share about my experience with an Indian and a Pakistani.
In the book of Scott Peck, “The Road Less Travelled,” he mentioned about stereotyping which is a normal phenomenon being practiced or abused by many people. In Dubai, Indians and Pakistanis are stereotyped to be the kind of people who seemingly are not appealing to deal with or work with. When I had a chance to work for few weeks in an educational firm, the Indian owner just blurted out his disgust saying that people of his race apparently have problem with their attitude and he reminded all the Indians present to be very cautious about it. On the other hand, Pakistanis are known to be equally notorious in terms of the way they relate with people. Thus, when people hear the "magic word" Indian or Pakistani, they have a negative stereotyping about them, thus, people think and feel not good about these people.
The first time I met Khadri Ansar who visited the flat of my friend Lolong to share in the space where I stayed, he remarked by saying, “Why are you accepting Indians?” I replied by saying, “Why not?” It was an honest remark from him but at the same time I thought it was quite "demeaning." However, I thought that this Khadri seems to be a respectful man after that short interaction. After few days, another person came to the place by the name of Yasir Umair, a Pakistani dude who appears to be confident and friendly at the same time. Why? When he was invited to join us for dinner he was so comfortable sharing the food with us. Aha! He just ate as if he was with us for a month. When I tried to banter with him, he just reacted positively. Hehehe!
As days passed by, I got to know more these Indian and Pakistani dudes. Khadri is one of the best Indian dudes I have ever met. He shared a lot of things about history, culture, computers, science, geography, religion, God, and especially about this “clairvoyant” Erica Hogg. Hehehehe! You will gain a lot of information from him being a computer geek. More than being a knowledgeable person, he has a very loving heart to people around him most especially his family. He would do everything to be of help to them. Just like Filipinos, he would usually send part of his hard work to his parents in India despite the fact that he has his own family. He even helped his younger brother to come to Dubai to explore for a greener pasture. As a friend, he is very generous, caring, humorous, and loving. He is not only interested about information he can get from the internet but he will also show his interest about you as a person. He would make you feel happy by cracking jokes and when he laughs, you would see Burj Khalifa coming out from his tonsils. hehehe! Peace dude!:) Most of all, I will never forget the time he showed his being sensitive and caring as a person which is quite difficult for many people to display. When I was about to leave Dubai, he called me up just to sing his favorite song, “Ebony and Ivory” in his crazy and whacko way.
When I got to know another friend by the name of Yasir Umair, I was clueless on what to expect since it’s my first time to meet a Pakistani. After hearing grotty comments about Pakistanis, I couldn’t help but think of him in the same way. However, this cool dude proved me wrong. Yasir is the type of person who is willing to give his trust and confidence to people. Even though he has some issues about it, he is ready to make friends because he values good friendship a lot. He is always full of zest and energy to go extra mile to create and share a happy and friendly environment. At a very young age, he was brave enough to realize his plans and prove himself that he can do things on his own. I admire him for taking the courage to think that way and hopefully he would achieve his personal plans in God’s time. One thing I admire most from this cool dude is his way of coping with problems. He would do it by connecting with nature like walking on a beach and from there he is able to find serenity and enlightenment. Most especially, he would make you feel important by magnanimously sharing his time, effort, and resources the best way he can. In fact, he accompanied me the whole day going to the school where I applied until my last minute in the airport. I felt the sincerity and kindness of the person. For many people I have met in my life, Yasir is one loving dude who is not shy to express his thoughts and feelings to a friend. For that, he is surely loved by many.
During my last day in Dubai, Khadri, Yasir, and my bestfriend Lolong toured me around. We had our best pictures at Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa. We had a lot of fun roaming around these beautiful places. It was indeed my happiest day in the Arab country.
I have learned a lot of great things from Khadri and Yasir. One of the most important learnings is to STOP STEREOTYPING PEOPLE! Whether we are an Indian, Pakistani, or even Filipino, we have to remember that we have our own flaws, limitations, goodness, and kindness. What is important is to make the most of the time given to us by God to be with people regardless of their race, culture, creed, or personal history.
For me, Khadri and Yasir have exemplified goodness, genuineness, and kindness as a person. They have made their race very proud being an Indian and a Pakistani!
Mabuhay kayo Khadri and Yasir!
In the book of Scott Peck, “The Road Less Travelled,” he mentioned about stereotyping which is a normal phenomenon being practiced or abused by many people. In Dubai, Indians and Pakistanis are stereotyped to be the kind of people who seemingly are not appealing to deal with or work with. When I had a chance to work for few weeks in an educational firm, the Indian owner just blurted out his disgust saying that people of his race apparently have problem with their attitude and he reminded all the Indians present to be very cautious about it. On the other hand, Pakistanis are known to be equally notorious in terms of the way they relate with people. Thus, when people hear the "magic word" Indian or Pakistani, they have a negative stereotyping about them, thus, people think and feel not good about these people.
The first time I met Khadri Ansar who visited the flat of my friend Lolong to share in the space where I stayed, he remarked by saying, “Why are you accepting Indians?” I replied by saying, “Why not?” It was an honest remark from him but at the same time I thought it was quite "demeaning." However, I thought that this Khadri seems to be a respectful man after that short interaction. After few days, another person came to the place by the name of Yasir Umair, a Pakistani dude who appears to be confident and friendly at the same time. Why? When he was invited to join us for dinner he was so comfortable sharing the food with us. Aha! He just ate as if he was with us for a month. When I tried to banter with him, he just reacted positively. Hehehe!
As days passed by, I got to know more these Indian and Pakistani dudes. Khadri is one of the best Indian dudes I have ever met. He shared a lot of things about history, culture, computers, science, geography, religion, God, and especially about this “clairvoyant” Erica Hogg. Hehehehe! You will gain a lot of information from him being a computer geek. More than being a knowledgeable person, he has a very loving heart to people around him most especially his family. He would do everything to be of help to them. Just like Filipinos, he would usually send part of his hard work to his parents in India despite the fact that he has his own family. He even helped his younger brother to come to Dubai to explore for a greener pasture. As a friend, he is very generous, caring, humorous, and loving. He is not only interested about information he can get from the internet but he will also show his interest about you as a person. He would make you feel happy by cracking jokes and when he laughs, you would see Burj Khalifa coming out from his tonsils. hehehe! Peace dude!:) Most of all, I will never forget the time he showed his being sensitive and caring as a person which is quite difficult for many people to display. When I was about to leave Dubai, he called me up just to sing his favorite song, “Ebony and Ivory” in his crazy and whacko way.
When I got to know another friend by the name of Yasir Umair, I was clueless on what to expect since it’s my first time to meet a Pakistani. After hearing grotty comments about Pakistanis, I couldn’t help but think of him in the same way. However, this cool dude proved me wrong. Yasir is the type of person who is willing to give his trust and confidence to people. Even though he has some issues about it, he is ready to make friends because he values good friendship a lot. He is always full of zest and energy to go extra mile to create and share a happy and friendly environment. At a very young age, he was brave enough to realize his plans and prove himself that he can do things on his own. I admire him for taking the courage to think that way and hopefully he would achieve his personal plans in God’s time. One thing I admire most from this cool dude is his way of coping with problems. He would do it by connecting with nature like walking on a beach and from there he is able to find serenity and enlightenment. Most especially, he would make you feel important by magnanimously sharing his time, effort, and resources the best way he can. In fact, he accompanied me the whole day going to the school where I applied until my last minute in the airport. I felt the sincerity and kindness of the person. For many people I have met in my life, Yasir is one loving dude who is not shy to express his thoughts and feelings to a friend. For that, he is surely loved by many.
During my last day in Dubai, Khadri, Yasir, and my bestfriend Lolong toured me around. We had our best pictures at Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa. We had a lot of fun roaming around these beautiful places. It was indeed my happiest day in the Arab country.
I have learned a lot of great things from Khadri and Yasir. One of the most important learnings is to STOP STEREOTYPING PEOPLE! Whether we are an Indian, Pakistani, or even Filipino, we have to remember that we have our own flaws, limitations, goodness, and kindness. What is important is to make the most of the time given to us by God to be with people regardless of their race, culture, creed, or personal history.
For me, Khadri and Yasir have exemplified goodness, genuineness, and kindness as a person. They have made their race very proud being an Indian and a Pakistani!
Mabuhay kayo Khadri and Yasir!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friends Are Gifts from Above
Friends.......They love you,
But they're not your lover
They care for you,
But they're not from your family
They're ready to share your pain,
But they're not your blood relation.
They are........FRIENDS! !!!!
A True friend......
Scolds like a DAD..
Cares like a MOM..
Teases like a SISTER..
Irritates like a BROTHER..
Finally loves you more than a LOVER.
Thanks a lot for being a GOOD FRIEND!
When I received this beautiful email, I have thought of making a blog about friends. I believe that friends are a gift from above. Don’t you think so?
I can’t count anymore the number of friends I have met in my life but rare that you find true and genuine friends. They say that friends come and go. You are only good friends when you are physically present with each other but when things change, you just lose contact and you see yourself again being with new friends. It may be true to a certain extent but the most important thing is that you have been real friends and you have known and loved each other like brothers and sisters.
For many, their good friends are their classmates, colleagues, people they meet on social networking, or anyone who was introduced to them. If I will be asked to enumerate my good friends, I have a long list to mention. I just feel very much blessed to have friends who are there for me through thick and thin and I would like to introduce them to all of you.
As I try to explore a better life in Dubai, I am grateful to God to have friends like Oliver and Lolong who are like brothers to me. They give me all the support and understanding that I need especially that I am away from my family. I consider them as my family here in Dubai. God blessed me more with good friends like Charity who has a happy personality and has taught me how to do the dance revolution here. My friends in Canada like Louie and Tony who are very generous and loving as friends. They even consider me as a member of their family. In fact, they are helping me out to be with them someday in Canada. My kind friends in Indonesia like Elvin, Harold, Tintin, Emy, Joecel, and Sharlene who were my stronghold when I was still working in Jakarta. I have a lot of good memories with them and I am more than thankful to God to have them as my friends. My real friends way back in De La Salle University like Malou, Neil, Daye, Mars, Rina, Reggie, Ennan, and Tita Lynn. I really felt loved and encouraged by them. They have contributed a lot to my being and learning. My former students who are now my friends like Mhel, Jeoffrey, Chelle, Louise, Mikey, Mark, Jammy, Ojee, Raffy, Eden, and the other peer facilitators of De La Salle University. You made me feel as young as you are. Ooopps, if you disagree, the more you will look like me:) My religious friends in the church like Bro. Nilo, Bro. Albin, Bro. Erasto, Bro. Ernesto, Bro. Fredierico, and Bro. Luis. I was able to serve and show my love to God through our ministry because of the many moments we shared and served God together as brothers in faith. My former bosses like Mr. Benjamin Lazo and Doc Carmen Pabiton who have been very supportive superiors and very loving friends to me.
Working abroad has blessed me more with kind friends from Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, China, India, and America. I will never forget Kate and Daniel who reminded me that life is very short to be unhappy. Wesley, who may not be a believer but has an open-mind, friendly, understanding, and is a more kind person compared to those who practice their faith. Alvan and Indra who have totally changed my perception of what a Singaporean is. Ms. Linda Hahn Santoso, who was my American principal but made me feel that friendship can be applied at work even if she was my superior. My sweet Indonesian friend Kristin who made me feel good as a person and as a colleague. She is one person I worked with who was very professional and mature. Also, Ibu Irma who valued and really treasured our good friendship. My Chinese friend Zhao, who is one person who showed me what true friendship is about. The cool dude Khadri who is a very caring, loving, funny, humble, generous, accepting, and cool dude. He is one of the kindest, sensitive, and good-hearted friends I ever have. Yasir who is equally friendly, concern, good-natured, funny, caring, and a soft-hearted dude. He made me realize that I have to value the trust and respect given to me by people.
Most especially, my loyal, loving, and lasting friend-, my siblings. They are my source of joy and strength and I know they will always be there for me no matter what. They are my friends through thick and thin in the truest sense of the word. Ultimately, I have God as my dear friend who loves me and accepts me unconditionally.
Now, do you agree that friends are gifts from above? I may not have mentioned all the names of the good friends that God has given me but I want them to know that I love them with all my heart. You are all equally important in my life and I will always be thankful to God for having you as friends.
I may sound like giving tribute and honor to my friends and that is really my intention. I cannot imagine a world without friends and I just hope that I am also being a good and "handsome" friend to each and everyone of them as well.
You are all indeed a gift from above!
But they're not your lover
They care for you,
But they're not from your family
They're ready to share your pain,
But they're not your blood relation.
They are........FRIENDS! !!!!
A True friend......
Scolds like a DAD..
Cares like a MOM..
Teases like a SISTER..
Irritates like a BROTHER..
Finally loves you more than a LOVER.
Thanks a lot for being a GOOD FRIEND!
When I received this beautiful email, I have thought of making a blog about friends. I believe that friends are a gift from above. Don’t you think so?
I can’t count anymore the number of friends I have met in my life but rare that you find true and genuine friends. They say that friends come and go. You are only good friends when you are physically present with each other but when things change, you just lose contact and you see yourself again being with new friends. It may be true to a certain extent but the most important thing is that you have been real friends and you have known and loved each other like brothers and sisters.
For many, their good friends are their classmates, colleagues, people they meet on social networking, or anyone who was introduced to them. If I will be asked to enumerate my good friends, I have a long list to mention. I just feel very much blessed to have friends who are there for me through thick and thin and I would like to introduce them to all of you.
As I try to explore a better life in Dubai, I am grateful to God to have friends like Oliver and Lolong who are like brothers to me. They give me all the support and understanding that I need especially that I am away from my family. I consider them as my family here in Dubai. God blessed me more with good friends like Charity who has a happy personality and has taught me how to do the dance revolution here. My friends in Canada like Louie and Tony who are very generous and loving as friends. They even consider me as a member of their family. In fact, they are helping me out to be with them someday in Canada. My kind friends in Indonesia like Elvin, Harold, Tintin, Emy, Joecel, and Sharlene who were my stronghold when I was still working in Jakarta. I have a lot of good memories with them and I am more than thankful to God to have them as my friends. My real friends way back in De La Salle University like Malou, Neil, Daye, Mars, Rina, Reggie, Ennan, and Tita Lynn. I really felt loved and encouraged by them. They have contributed a lot to my being and learning. My former students who are now my friends like Mhel, Jeoffrey, Chelle, Louise, Mikey, Mark, Jammy, Ojee, Raffy, Eden, and the other peer facilitators of De La Salle University. You made me feel as young as you are. Ooopps, if you disagree, the more you will look like me:) My religious friends in the church like Bro. Nilo, Bro. Albin, Bro. Erasto, Bro. Ernesto, Bro. Fredierico, and Bro. Luis. I was able to serve and show my love to God through our ministry because of the many moments we shared and served God together as brothers in faith. My former bosses like Mr. Benjamin Lazo and Doc Carmen Pabiton who have been very supportive superiors and very loving friends to me.
Working abroad has blessed me more with kind friends from Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, China, India, and America. I will never forget Kate and Daniel who reminded me that life is very short to be unhappy. Wesley, who may not be a believer but has an open-mind, friendly, understanding, and is a more kind person compared to those who practice their faith. Alvan and Indra who have totally changed my perception of what a Singaporean is. Ms. Linda Hahn Santoso, who was my American principal but made me feel that friendship can be applied at work even if she was my superior. My sweet Indonesian friend Kristin who made me feel good as a person and as a colleague. She is one person I worked with who was very professional and mature. Also, Ibu Irma who valued and really treasured our good friendship. My Chinese friend Zhao, who is one person who showed me what true friendship is about. The cool dude Khadri who is a very caring, loving, funny, humble, generous, accepting, and cool dude. He is one of the kindest, sensitive, and good-hearted friends I ever have. Yasir who is equally friendly, concern, good-natured, funny, caring, and a soft-hearted dude. He made me realize that I have to value the trust and respect given to me by people.
Most especially, my loyal, loving, and lasting friend-, my siblings. They are my source of joy and strength and I know they will always be there for me no matter what. They are my friends through thick and thin in the truest sense of the word. Ultimately, I have God as my dear friend who loves me and accepts me unconditionally.
Now, do you agree that friends are gifts from above? I may not have mentioned all the names of the good friends that God has given me but I want them to know that I love them with all my heart. You are all equally important in my life and I will always be thankful to God for having you as friends.
I may sound like giving tribute and honor to my friends and that is really my intention. I cannot imagine a world without friends and I just hope that I am also being a good and "handsome" friend to each and everyone of them as well.
You are all indeed a gift from above!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Filipinos in Dubai: The Job Hunting Never Ends…..
I arrived in Dubai January 2, 2011 with the hope that I would be able to get a better paying job. Now that I only have few days to stay, I need to plan, prepare, and pray hard that things would go well for me after the expiration of my tourist visa.
The Filipino HR practitioners of Dubai sponsored a job fair for all Filipinos and non-Filipinos who are job hunting. I was coaxed by my friend to try my luck and file my application but I ended up as a volunteer assessor of the event since I have background and exposure in HR for seven years. I was overwhelmed to see the number of people standing in a very long queue while holding tightly their papers due to the strong wind blowing, hoping that they will be interviewed and get the job that they need very badly.
As I started to interview applicants, I tried my best to make them feel good by smiling at them and giving my warm greeting. As they shared their stories, I couldn't help but react hearing what they are going through. For those who are presently employed, they wanted to leave and get a new job because they have not received any salary increase for many years of hard work and commitment to the company. Others experience unfair distribution of benefits or no benefits at all despite their very small salary. For most of them, they have to bear with their malevolent bosses for fear of losing their jobs.
Many of the applicants I have assessed are just like me. They are on a tourist visa which is about to expire in few days. Seemingly, they feel like they are convicted of a crime they did not commit, being unemployed. I can’t help but feel very sorry for all of them. At the end of the fair, I just realized that I was not able to submit my job application because I felt I was called more to help than to apply for a job at that moment.
Faith, hope, hard work, and prayer are the most important things I can rely on at this point of my job hunting here in Dubai. In fact, my friends were saying that I am a "jobless person" who is earning money here. My first week, I was given a chance to conduct a seminar to the government officers of Nigeria, the very first training I have conducted outside of my country as a training consultant. Then, I worked for a few weeks for an educational company with pay. Now, I am an English tutor to Korean students plus I am an Assistant Supervisor of Forever Living Products. I just feel very blessed despite what I am going through. I know that God is always with me and I don’t fear anything at all. He is paving the way for me knowing that one day I will get the job that is best for me.
I left the place full of hope for myself but feeling quite sad for those who were there job hunting. I am very proud of all the Filipino HR practitioners for coming up with such a great activity which gave hope and opportunities for everyone. I felt the genuine and deep concern of all the members of the association and I have witnessed their generosity and compassion not only to the Filipinos but to other nationalities as well.
These are some of the many realities happening among Filipinos here in Dubai. I can’t thank enough this place for giving hope and for sharing good opportunities for people from all walks of life. I know that pessimism and cynicism would not help and neither would it help if I blame our government leaders after seeing a lot of Filipinos going through the grueling process of job hunting outside of our country. Prayers and hope are the words I would like to hold on to that I may see the Philippines one day being a haven of prosperity and abundance for my countrymen.
The Filipino HR practitioners of Dubai sponsored a job fair for all Filipinos and non-Filipinos who are job hunting. I was coaxed by my friend to try my luck and file my application but I ended up as a volunteer assessor of the event since I have background and exposure in HR for seven years. I was overwhelmed to see the number of people standing in a very long queue while holding tightly their papers due to the strong wind blowing, hoping that they will be interviewed and get the job that they need very badly.
As I started to interview applicants, I tried my best to make them feel good by smiling at them and giving my warm greeting. As they shared their stories, I couldn't help but react hearing what they are going through. For those who are presently employed, they wanted to leave and get a new job because they have not received any salary increase for many years of hard work and commitment to the company. Others experience unfair distribution of benefits or no benefits at all despite their very small salary. For most of them, they have to bear with their malevolent bosses for fear of losing their jobs.
Many of the applicants I have assessed are just like me. They are on a tourist visa which is about to expire in few days. Seemingly, they feel like they are convicted of a crime they did not commit, being unemployed. I can’t help but feel very sorry for all of them. At the end of the fair, I just realized that I was not able to submit my job application because I felt I was called more to help than to apply for a job at that moment.
Faith, hope, hard work, and prayer are the most important things I can rely on at this point of my job hunting here in Dubai. In fact, my friends were saying that I am a "jobless person" who is earning money here. My first week, I was given a chance to conduct a seminar to the government officers of Nigeria, the very first training I have conducted outside of my country as a training consultant. Then, I worked for a few weeks for an educational company with pay. Now, I am an English tutor to Korean students plus I am an Assistant Supervisor of Forever Living Products. I just feel very blessed despite what I am going through. I know that God is always with me and I don’t fear anything at all. He is paving the way for me knowing that one day I will get the job that is best for me.
I left the place full of hope for myself but feeling quite sad for those who were there job hunting. I am very proud of all the Filipino HR practitioners for coming up with such a great activity which gave hope and opportunities for everyone. I felt the genuine and deep concern of all the members of the association and I have witnessed their generosity and compassion not only to the Filipinos but to other nationalities as well.
These are some of the many realities happening among Filipinos here in Dubai. I can’t thank enough this place for giving hope and for sharing good opportunities for people from all walks of life. I know that pessimism and cynicism would not help and neither would it help if I blame our government leaders after seeing a lot of Filipinos going through the grueling process of job hunting outside of our country. Prayers and hope are the words I would like to hold on to that I may see the Philippines one day being a haven of prosperity and abundance for my countrymen.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Beauty of Statistics: The Concept of Normal Curve
Any normal population’s distribution approximates a normal distribution. This means that majority of those that comprise the population are situated in the middle portion of the distribution while a minority are evenly distributed to either side of the middle portion. Many variables are deemed to be normally or approximately normally distributed, e.g., height, weight, IQ, etc. Hence, in a given population, majority of people are of average height while a lesser numbers are either extremely high (right side of the middle portion) or extremely short (left side of the middle portion). In relation to this, one statistics professor commented “God so loves the average man that He made so many of them.” Can you imagine a world where majority are morons or geniuses?
When the value of a variable with a normal distribution is presented in a graph, what results is a bell-shaped curve popularly known as the normal curve. For purposes of statistical manipulation, a minimum sample of 30 (n=30) is required as such a number or larger can be relied upon to yield an approximate normal distribution of means. For any variable, as the sample size increases, the more the distribution approximates a normal distribution.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Time To Be Happy Is Now!
The time to be happy is now
The place to be happy is here
And the way to be happy
Is to make others happy
And to build a little heaven down here!
I remember first learning this song during my elementary religion class. Up to now, I still memorize this very short, happy, and beautiful song. Every time I sing it, I always feel good and at the same time I am reminded to be happy and to make others happy as well.
Happiness as they always say is something relative. Or, sometimes it is the relative of your relatives and the cousin of my neighbor. hehehehe! Kidding aside, while it is true that happiness varies depending on people's interests, values, beliefs, convictions, desires, wants, and all other things that you can think of, happiness will surely be the motivating factor if not the ultimate goal of many for living.
I have met a lot of people in my life sharing that happiness for them is when they are able to buy new shoes, branded clothes, bags, laptop, handphones, perfumes, cars, house and lot, and all other material things that they can think of. For others, they are happy doing what they want such as being with people, helping others, serving the poor, and other altruistic activities that one can indulge himself in. While others would say that they are happy living a simple life without pressure, competition, meeting deadlines and quotas of their work, as long as they are able to provide for their daily needs. Well, other groups would say that they are happy living a single life, married life, divorced life, drinking life, gambling life, sex life, and all kinds of 'life' that you may relate with.
At this point, I have come to realize that happiness is more than all the things that I have mentioned. I sincerely believe that it must be over and above the things that we can acquire. I think that happiness must be rooted in something that is universal. According to the famous philosopher Socrates, "Everything in this world is transient!" All things will fade away but living a happy life in the context of goodness and positivity will always be eternal, as it is the ultimate reason for everyone to continue living and loving.
Life is very short to be unhappy! It is your personal choice whether you want to live a happy life or not. I may not have all the things that I want but I think I have all the things that I need. Thus, I can say that I feel good for myself and I am happy for being so blessed . When you are happy, you are able to radiate and share that happiness to people around you. Don't you feel happy seeing others feeling good and happy too?
I hope that we all continue to share happiness to everyone we meet everyday. Just a simple smile to someone may be enough way to make that person feel happy. I invite you to join me in singing my favorite happy song, and it goes this way...........
The time to be happy is now
The place to be happy is here
And the way to be happy
Is to make others happy
And to build a little heaven down here!
The place to be happy is here
And the way to be happy
Is to make others happy
And to build a little heaven down here!
I remember first learning this song during my elementary religion class. Up to now, I still memorize this very short, happy, and beautiful song. Every time I sing it, I always feel good and at the same time I am reminded to be happy and to make others happy as well.
Happiness as they always say is something relative. Or, sometimes it is the relative of your relatives and the cousin of my neighbor. hehehehe! Kidding aside, while it is true that happiness varies depending on people's interests, values, beliefs, convictions, desires, wants, and all other things that you can think of, happiness will surely be the motivating factor if not the ultimate goal of many for living.
I have met a lot of people in my life sharing that happiness for them is when they are able to buy new shoes, branded clothes, bags, laptop, handphones, perfumes, cars, house and lot, and all other material things that they can think of. For others, they are happy doing what they want such as being with people, helping others, serving the poor, and other altruistic activities that one can indulge himself in. While others would say that they are happy living a simple life without pressure, competition, meeting deadlines and quotas of their work, as long as they are able to provide for their daily needs. Well, other groups would say that they are happy living a single life, married life, divorced life, drinking life, gambling life, sex life, and all kinds of 'life' that you may relate with.
At this point, I have come to realize that happiness is more than all the things that I have mentioned. I sincerely believe that it must be over and above the things that we can acquire. I think that happiness must be rooted in something that is universal. According to the famous philosopher Socrates, "Everything in this world is transient!" All things will fade away but living a happy life in the context of goodness and positivity will always be eternal, as it is the ultimate reason for everyone to continue living and loving.
Life is very short to be unhappy! It is your personal choice whether you want to live a happy life or not. I may not have all the things that I want but I think I have all the things that I need. Thus, I can say that I feel good for myself and I am happy for being so blessed . When you are happy, you are able to radiate and share that happiness to people around you. Don't you feel happy seeing others feeling good and happy too?
I hope that we all continue to share happiness to everyone we meet everyday. Just a simple smile to someone may be enough way to make that person feel happy. I invite you to join me in singing my favorite happy song, and it goes this way...........
The time to be happy is now
The place to be happy is here
And the way to be happy
Is to make others happy
And to build a little heaven down here!
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The time to be happy is now The place to be happy is here And the way to be happy Is to make others happy And to build a little heaven down ...