and all that I have is Yours!”
This is the promise of all legionaries in the whole world which is recited during “Acies,” the renewal day of our commitment as a legionary.
I started as a member of the Legion of Mary at a very young age of 9. I was recruited by my youngest brother Terry. We became active members of the junior praesidium, Regina Angelorum, which means Queen of Angels. I vividly recall the happy moments I had together with my brothers in the legion. We prayed the rosary during our Sunday meetings and we were assigned to attend the block rosary in our barangay as one of our regular services. As I continued participating in the activities of the legion, I never imagined that I would become president of the junior praesidium where I was once a member. I never felt so spiritually high when I was given the chance to lead and inspire the young children of our parish. In fact, we had to divide our praesidium because of the increase in membership. It was indeed a big blessing to have Bro. Nilo who became the president of our new junior praesidium, Regina Juvenum, Latin for Queen of the Youth. I would not be able to humbly serve the Lord without the magnanimous support and supervision of my senior praesidium, Regina Apostolorum, Queen of the Apostles.
I remember playing with my junior legionaries every Saturday. We named our activity, “Happy Day with Mary.” Also, we had our catechism lessons which I facilitated, the confessions with our priest, the visit to the grotto in Novaliches during holy week, the fun outing every summer, our Christmas party with a lot of food, games, and with the much awaited exchange gifts, the visit to the orphanages, and all the other joyful and meaningful activities which I will never forget. As I became very much involved and committed in the Legion of Mary, I felt the strong desire to enter the seminary to become a priest. It all started as a result of my spiritual experience with my brothers in the legion who inspired me in many ways through the loving intercession of Mama Mary. However, my calling to become a full servant of the Lord through priesthood did not happen but I still ended up fulfilling my great passion to serve as a legionary. Thus, we created a new senior praesidium, Regina Virginorum where most of the members were junior legionaries of Regina Angelorum.
From a very young age of 7 up to now, I have never ceased to pray the holy rosary. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I always find time to pray and meditate on the life, passion, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mama Mary has always been my constant companion praying for me especially in the most difficult times of my life. Through Her intercession, many of my prayers were granted, like my job applications, school and scholarship applications, families and friends requests, and all other things that I have prayed for. Most of all, I remember the time I had with my family especially with my Inang and Amang praying the holy rosary. Inang, just like Mama Mary has been very faithful and indefatigable praying to God through the intercession of Mother Mary. In fact, she would wake up at three o’clock in the morning just to pray the rosary.
Now, I am trying my best to humbly serve the Lord and Mama Mary through the block rosary which my brother Terry and I started here in Jakarta. The Legion of Mary has instilled in me the value of service through prayer which I will always carry with me wherever I may be. In my mind and in my heart, I will always feel blessed to be a legionary. As the saying goes, “Once a legionary, always a legionary.”
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