Monday, June 30, 2014

Marcelo: My One and Only Uncle!

Uncle, Tiyo, Tito, Tata are some of the endearing names we call our uncle in the Philippines. But for my family, we call our one and only uncle, Tata Elo or Telo for short. Tata Elo is the first cousin of my Inang (mother) as both their mothers are siblings.

According to my Inang, my uncle lost his parents at a very young age. He lived with his sister for a while but because of personal issues and conflicts my uncle had to leave. Thus, he walked for 5 to 8 hours going to the place of my Inang.  Every time he would share it, he cannot imagine having to survive it and be able to walk for very long hours without eating and drinking at all. Tata Elo would usually share that vivid experience he had which will be forever in his mind.

Since Tata Elo only finished Grade 3, he can only land a job decent enough for him to earn for a living. He worked as a factory worker in a textile company near our residence in Taguig. I can say that he has enjoyed his work as he has showed his love and dedication to his job.

I will never forget the very first movie I have watched at Pinoy Theater in Pasig together with him. It was a very exciting and happy experience for me as it was my first time to be in a movie house. Also, he would bring me together with my youngest brother to a church in San Pedro Laguna, even if he knew that I would vomit because I usually get dizzy from a long travel.

Tata Elo as an uncle played multiple roles in my family. He would be a father and at the same time mother as well. I recall the time when I got sick and he wanted me to drink medicine. It was very difficult for me as he was instructing me to swallow it with a banana. I was crying like a baby while trying very hard to swallow it. When he asked me to put my tongue out, he got very mad because the banana was gone while the medicine was still in my mouth. Whew! That was a hard but loving moment I had with Tata Elo.

As I grew older, it was my chance to show my love, concern and service to him. I will never ever forget the time when I brought him to a public hospital for his eye cataract operation. We commuted going back and forth of the hospital. We have to ride a sidecar going out of the place. The road was like a moon crater flooded with water. The driver lost control of the sidecar and swerved down on the road with muddy water. I was shocked and don’t know what to do as I have to protect his eyes because it was newly operated. I felt very sorry for Tata Elo because I cannot give him the best service at that time.

Every time we would visit his doctor for his eye check-up, he seems to feel good and excited about it as Tata Elo is one person who loves to go out and roam around. Maybe because he was deprived of these opportunities when he was young. I felt good and happy seeing him enjoying every single fun time we spent together. He requested that I bring him to Manila Zoo and Luneta which I did together with my nephews and nieces. We also visited the National library and while we were moving around the museum, I heard a very loud sound like a big stone that fell from a tall building. I was taken aghast to see Tata Elo on the floor like a baby because he fell off from an elevated stage. Thank GOD he was not hurt at all. GOD must really love my Tata Elo very much.

Knowing how he lived a poor and hard life, it was my dream for Telo to ride in an airplane. I would narrate to him how beautiful the blue clouds and the big ocean and all other God and man made creation our eyes could ever see from above.  Finally, the day came when I was blessed to have the means to give him his first experience to fly. I can see the happiness and excitement in his eyes as we got inside the airplane and slowly fly up to the air.  My heart was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as I finally realized my dream for Tata Elo. We went to the beautiful island of Bohol where we visited century old churches, the majestic Chocolate hills and had our first floating restaurant experience while listening to the angelic voices of the Lomboc children's choir. I never heard and felt my Tata Elo complain during our whole trip and he even said that he wanted to go to Palawan for our next trip.

With all the happy and loving moments I had with Tata Elo, I will try my best to emulate three things that he has shared to me. First, being happy all the time without complain. He has always been very happy and I never heard him complain about his condition in life despite his being single. Second, his unconditional love to serve us especially Inang. He never got tired of serving us until the time he aged. Third, his commitment and dedication to love GOD through his daily mass and praying of the holy rosary as his devotion to the blessed Mother Mary.

Tata Elo, you have shared your life to us and I will never ever forget every single moment I had with you. I am very thankful to GOD for having you in my life as you have influenced and inspired me in many ways. You are my one and only uncle that GOD has given me and for that I felt very blessed.

I know that in GOD’s loving time I will see you again Tata Elo and I can’t wait to hug and kiss you and spend happy moments together and hear you laugh and talk in your “ngongo” way. See you in heaven Telo. Thank you for everything.  

1 comment:


ATE in the Filipino language means, “older sister.” Growing up as a child, I would always look up to my older siblings.  Definitely, I look ...