To find oneself in a pit of financial turmoil is a psychologically devastating and enervating experience on a daily basis. That is exactly the situation I am in at the moment. The same situation I have been in for the last two years. It seems like a vicious cycle to be in such a predicament and while there has been the intention on my part to honor my responsibilities, the banks make it more difficult for me. They or their agents used to be overly friendly or accommodating, and this was when they would do all they can to lure, coo, and woo prospective customers to excel in the stiff competition then. These banks are not willing to provide a restructuring scheme to their customers, even when the need for such is based on valid grounds. It seems like they would rather that the customers default on their payment and end up in jail. How I wish to consolidate my debts via obtaining a loan with a bank but sadly, given the size of my company, despite its big monthly income, it could not be listed and will not ever be. For the past year or so, I have been working and not enjoying my salary. There seems to be so much time and too many days left at the end of my money. Had I the intention of running away from such responsibilities, I would have done it months ago. I would not have come back from my short vacation in May last year. But that is not the kind of person I am. I want to honor these obligations more for my principles and values in life than for anything else. Sometimes I get to tell myself that what is the point of working abroad if I cannot even support my basic necessities and much less save. It is totally pointless. But the thought of honoring my obligations is more important to me. I know the solutions to my debt woes could not be found here. But I suppose that hearing people go through a similar experience can be therapeutic to me and may be, they can be some source of support system.
Need to retire now. Tomorrow is another day. I used to welcome day time but since my credit card woes, nighttime has been my friend. They do not call during nighttime as it is outside their office hours. Such are the throes of the debt woes in Dubai. Goodnight!
Need to retire now. Tomorrow is another day. I used to welcome day time but since my credit card woes, nighttime has been my friend. They do not call during nighttime as it is outside their office hours. Such are the throes of the debt woes in Dubai. Goodnight!
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