I was invited to give a seminar on the topic "Public Relations" to a bunch of government officials s from Nigeria. It was my very first time to conduct a seminar outside of my country. I was excited and anxious at the same time because I didnt have any idea what would the reaction of the participants be and I had not experienced yet conducting a seminar to a different group of people from a different race and culture. I was told that they are Nigerians who work as government officers in their country.
During our first meeting, I tried my best to get their attention and assured them that it would be a fun and learning session which I always try to do in every seminar or training that I conduct. Initially, I asked them to think of a word that would best describe them as a person and that would be their 'essence name'. I remember Warm, Friendly, Nice, and Love. I saw smiles and positive reactions from them especially when I called them by their 'essence names.
As we continued with our seminar, I was challenged to give my best because they were all active, assertive, and diligent participants. Also, I observed that they are the kind of people who like to feel good by making others feel good as well. They bantered with each other, called their friends by sweet names like "mama" and they made each other laugh and smile. Most of all, I just realized that the goodness I sensed in each one of them is rooted on their faith and love of God. "Love" even shared that she wanted to go to church everyday. "Friendly" on the other hand, started our session with a prayer that was full of passion and conviction. "Warm" surprised me the most because he held my hand without inhibition and prayed for me because that day I had a scheduled job interview. Friendly, wishes me well and blessed me like a mother. They all prayed for me, wished me well, and encouraged me that I will get the job. With all their prayers and encouragement, I got the job but unfortunately I was not able to share to them the good news because that day was also my last day to be with them. I am very sure that they will be very happy for me knowing that I got the job.
Ade, Sholi, Bose and Yomi, I will never forget your goodness and kindness. You made me feel good during the two days that we shared together. I hope to see all of you again but if not, I wish and pray that we would all see each other again in heaven. Right?
I feel proud and happy to have new friends from Nigeria:)
mabrouk and i am happy for your successful maiden performance in 'training & development' in dubai. i knew that you would be able to give justice to the role and you did. I wish more opportunities would come your way to spread your wings and fly higher in the UAE sky.