Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Date with Destiny

It happened so fast and suddenly I found myself in the company of high caliber individuals. It gives me a mixed feeling of joy but at the same time doubtful of myself whether or not I can keep up with your high standard of expectation because COUNTING and not WRITING is my well- known expertise. I wonder if there is a good story to write about counting. Perhaps, I can start with number 1 reason why writing was invented in the first place and why 2 is too much and 3 is a crowd.

I thought of thousand reasons to send back our Martian Blogger to Mars for putting me through this agonizing thought of blogging. However, I also have million reasons to keep him by my side, to guide me through, and make me an excellent writer in the process. Who knows he can make me a billionaire someday and spend the rest of my life counting the money as well as the number of people I will share my blessings with.

I am just a simple guy in the neighborhood who has nothing to brag about my qualifications. I always prefer to be introduced as an ordinary Accountant who loves to meet new faces and reach new places, conquering territories after territories with only one objective in mind “to write and multiply”.

I am so excited of becoming a writer aside from being a good counter and a sweet lover.... of nature and other beautiful creations of God. I have come to realize that writing is a gift that only a few dare to pursue with passion. I am grateful to be a part of this extra ordinary form of expression called blogging.

I firmly believe that there is no accident in this life. Everything happens for a reason. Having been invited and become part of this team is no accident. There must be a reason and that I intend to find out as I go along with the process.

But for now, you guys just keep on writing while I keep on counting my number of dates with destiny!

Don Dizon


  1. Hi Don Dizon, the Mercurian Blogger! The proof is in the pudding. You are a good writer and this is one concrete evidence. I remember one famous Filipino writer named Carlos Bulosan who once said that "The making of a writer is not by accident." In effect he is saying that it takes years of painstaking hardwork to polish one's skills to write to an excellent and perhaps exceptional level, citing himself as one living example of the truism of this tenet that he pronounced. i love your style and as i indicated then, you have a good way of playing with words and you are a natural humorist. You got me enticed and you can list me as your first fan in your book. Keep on blogging so you will entice more readers. Looking forward to your next blog!

  2. Hi Mercurian..thank you for breaking it to me so gently. Because of your kind words I was even more enticed to write and write with passion knowing fully well that there are people like you who believes in me whom I can not afford to disappoint. I am working with my first blog, although struggling, but hopefully I can finish it on time.



ATE in the Filipino language means, “older sister.” Growing up as a child, I would always look up to my older siblings.  Definitely, I look ...