Tuesday, January 10, 2012


You have just powdered your nose and made the last twirl across the full-length mirror before heading out the door for a lovely date with your beau…

You cancelled your dinner plans with your colleagues because your friend would want to meet at the last minute before taking off for a long holiday back home…

You are drowsing and basically living on caffeine to stay up to finish an important presentation for work…

You have been saving up money, busy shopping for your annual leave and have been really excited and looking forward to go on a holiday to see you parents…

Then you get a call, an sms or an email saying, it’s POSTPONED!

Big or small, trivial or important when we have set our mind to do something particular, whether we have made ample preparation or a spur of the moment decision, when we have anticipated something exciting or not to happen and it does not… we get agitated or disappointed.

While it is true that we do not have control of things around us, we can only control on how we react with the things that would come to us.

People around us can easily call postpone things because of whatever reason, selfish or not.

So why not also POSTPONE being agitated or disappointed?

If it is possible to postpone events, spending and entertainment, why not postpone being disappointed, upset and angry?

After you have powdered your nose, cancelled your dinner plans, made your presentation or packed your bags and have just been 'POSTPONED'… best thing is to take a deep breath and say, “well if they can postpone this one, then I can also POSTPONE what I'm feeling right now.”

Focus on other happy things, after all what is life if we cannot POSTPONE :)


  1. Finally, I've been looking, wanting, desiring, waiting for a new blog from you after your very long POSTPONEMENT! This is a great article. I was reminded of the book I'm reading now entitled, "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff". Please my lovely and gorgeous friend continue blogging. Miss you a lot. Don't postpone your next blog....See you again:) Happy new year!

  2. to me, postponement means temporarily setting it aside. so, in this context, when do u expect to deal with it?

  3. to me postponement means momentarily setting something aside. hence, in this context, when do you expect to keep in touch with your feeling?

    1. it is when you are neither soaring high up in your wave or have descended deep down into your well...
      it is when we are calm that we are able to deal things in the best and wisest perspective!

  4. to our lovely candidates, thank you very much for your beautiful answers. very well said. you may now go to the back stage:) hehehe:) i will not postpone my laughter and happiness and I am doing it right now:)

  5. holy weak, your weakness may be holy but to us its your candid and funny remarks and without a doubt you are a gracious and hilarious host to this beauty contest! hehehe



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